05 - Fair Log-in Monitoring module - J25


compat_25_nativecompat_17_nativeJoomla! 1.6 nativeJoomla! Module


Fair Log-in Monitoring module for Joomla! 2.5

This module is free of charge and can only be used alongside the Fair Log-in plug-in which is also available free of charge. The module displays the number of back-end page calls and failed log-in attempts for both the back- and front-end. It is therefore a valuable diagnostic tool for any website admin to better decide what level of protection a website requires.

You may be surprised (read shocked) by the number of access and log-in attempts, particularly at the back-end.

Our best solution for protecting your website against unwanted back- and front-end access is our Fair Log-in Business Edition plug-in.

The documentation is included in the download file.

License: GNU/GPL. License terms are here.
Support: No support is provided. You may find the answer to your question on the forum.

File Size:
438.24 Kb
GNU/GPLv3. You understand and accept the license terms for this software.
File Version:
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